Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Watergate does not bother me, does your conscious bother you? Tell the truth

Watergate doesn't bother me to the extent where I find myself wanting to analyze how it screwed up America's trust in the government. I think it was wrong and punishable, but I don't believe it should be conceived as one of America's most signficant political blunders. The fact that Nixon didn't instigate the break in is very crucial in my reasoning. If I were put in the same situation, I would have tried to cover it up as well. Nixon's biggest flaw in my eyes was his inablity to keep the story hidden. When the story broke, it diverted national attention away fromt the more important foreign policy issues. Watergate can be compared to an outfielder dropping a routine fly ball. It shouldn't happen, but when it does you learn from it and don't do it again.

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