Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Decision to drop the Atomic Bomb Response

The debate over why the USA used nuclear warfare in WWII can be answered as a combination of the theories presented in the aricle. I believe that Truman wanted to end the war quickly and spare US casualties, but it is highly plausible that he intended to scare the Soviet Union from pursuing unfriendly behavior. I think the more important question that should be asked is if dropping the bomb was a good decision. I think the US was dumb to take such extreme action in its circumstances. They could have threatened the Japanese and worked out the situation diplomatically by being a bully and saying, "Give into our terms or we will kill your people," or if the US was feeling truly enlightened they could have said, " Let's end this pointless fighting and help each other prosper and agree to not forcefully expand our empires." But that is just the peculiar thing I find with world order. We are supposed to have wise leaders ruling the world, cause that makes sense philosophically, but still I find our past leaders to be stupid. There truly is no logical purpose to use warfare. I feel as if leaders in the past, excluding my personal favorite Genghis Khan, were more dividing in their goals than unifying. How is killing hundreds of thousands of people going to create trustworthy relations for countries in the future. I feel like if there were a bunch of wise leaders in the industrialized countries of the world, they would understand that by working together and using resources to the fullest potential, and completely banning warfare, the world would be better off. I understand that it is a lot more complicated than what the surface appears, but it can not be denied that humans act with their own desires and not collective desires. Overall, I think that unless dramatic procedures and ideas from pacifists are taken seriously, the world will experience more nuclear warfare because the Man does things the way he and is itty bitty circle of friends tell him to do, and completely ignore the ideas that come from people who they aren't willing to hear.

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